Nov 03, 2015
EMO MILANO 2015, the world exhibition dedicated to the industry manufacturing machine tools, robots and automation systems, held at fieramilano from 5 to 10 October, turned out to be a record-breaking edition.
Promoted by CECIMO, European Association of Machine Tool Industries and organized by the operational structures of UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, EMO MILANO 2015 registered 155,362 visits over the six exhibition days, from visitors representing 120 countries.
The international character that traditionally features EMO MILANO is attested by the large attendance of foreign visitors amounting to 51% of the total.
On top of the foreign visitors' ranking, there were the Germans (12% of the total), followed by the Swiss, the Japanese, the French, the Turks, the Chinese, the Russians, the Spanish, the Swedes, the Austrians, the Taiwanese, the Czech, the Koreans, the Israelis and the Poles.
The already high expectations, considering the positive economic period, have been largely exceeded. The data reported by EMO MILANO 2015, have actually been not only considerably higher in comparison with the previous edition (2009), but they are much better than expected at the end of 2013, when the organization machine of the exhibition started off its activity.
The comparison with the 2009 edition is successful for all main indicators: EMO MILANO 2015 has presented products offered by 1,600 exhibitors, 12% more than in 2009, on 120,000 square meters of exhibition area, 26% more than the area covered in the previous edition. The attendance of visitors has been 25% higher than that of 2009 and the participation of foreign visitors has also grown.
“These figures - pointed out the Commissioner General, Pier Luigi Streparava - are confirming how appealing the Italian venue has been for the world manufacturing industry, which met in Milan to discover and learn about the technological innovations that will determine the future of manufacturing production and of work procedures inside the factories”.
In the 12 completely fitted-out halls at fieramilano, the whole production spectrum has been presented: from metal forming to metal cutting machines, from robotics to automation, from tooling to auxiliary technologies, to mechatronics. In this framework, additive technologies made their debut: they are a rapidly developing sector that may be of great interest, also for those who operate in the field of production systems.
In this connection, EMO MILANO confirmed once again to be an event capable of anticipating the new trends by proposing a focus upon additive manufacturing and holding the international conference dedicated to this issue, which was attended by around 180 people, among researchers, technical specialists, entrepreneurs and experts.
“When works began, in 2013, we assumed that we would achieve 150,000 visits from 100 countries - stated Alfredo Mariotti, Director of EMO MILANO 2015. Actually, we have registered 155,362 entries from 120 countries: a great success on all fronts, also because the public was equally distributed between Italian and foreign operators, proving that even domestic demand for production systems is alive and dynamic”.
“Also according to the exhibitors' and visitors' comments we have collected - went on Alfredo Mariotti - we can say that the promotion activity of EMO MILANO 2015, focused on the value of Italian culture, made the stay of operators in Milan richer and more interesting. The EMOTEAM's intent to offer a taste of Italy, through the numerous initiatives organized before and during the exhibition, was indeed appreciated by operators, especially by foreign people.”
The presence of European (62% of the total foreign visitors) and Asian visitors (32%) was large and even wider than that of the previous edition of EMO MILANO. On the other hand, the attendance of operators from the Americas decreased (4%), although the number of US visitors increased.
Besides obtaining consent from operators, EMO MILANO 2015 captured the attention of the international press: 400 journalists coming from all over the world registered to follow the event.
EMO MILANO 2015 was also visited by over 400 operators-users belonging to autonomous and official delegations, the latter organized by UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE within the mission of ICE-Agenzia and the Ministry of Economic Development.
Organized in visit groups, accompanied by teachers and tutors, 4,040 students, coming from technical institutes and universities, took part in EMO MILANO 2015, a traditional meeting opportunity between schools and the industry world.
On the other hand, the exhibition will also be remembered for all side events organized as a complement: institutional and B2B meetings, presentations, press conferences, conventions and technical seminars. But, in addition to that, EMO MILANO 2015 will be recalled for its concurrence with EXPO, the Universal exposition a few steps from the exhibition centre: the venue of EXPO welcomed a large number of operators of the world machine tool exhibition for a unique “After EMO”. Actually, more than 40,000 entry tickets for EXPO have been bought by the exhibitors of EMO MILANO 2015 at a special price, thanks to the agreement signed by the organizers of the world metalworking machine tool trade show.
The great interest aroused by EMO MILANO 2015 is also proved by the consultation statistics of the exhibition website: in 2015, about 1 million pages of were accessed, in addition to other 1.3 million views of pages of the Smart Catalog, the official catalogue of the exhibition. 65% of the total online users turned out to be from abroad.
Even the social community of EMO MILANO 2015 is large, counting on 2,771 followers in total on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Only in the period between the beginning of September and the end of the trade show, the 2,000 published posts generated more than 80,000 views of news dedicated to the world metalworking machine tool exhibition, equally distributed between Italian and foreign viewers.
The next edition of EMO MILANO will take place in six years: from 4 to 9 October 2021.
Contact Organiser
Viale Fulvio Testi 128
20092 Cinisello Balsamo MI Italy
tel.+39 0226 255 860/.861
fax +39 0226 255 882
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